Asthma has been a cause of concern worldwide, due to a variety of causes. As per estimates, almost 9 million people in Malaysia suffer from asthma, 13% of whom are children. While the disease remains the same in children and adults, symptoms and management strategies for children are significantly different.
Today, we will deep dive into childhood asthma and understand various aspects associated with it. We will also discuss what you can do as a parent to provide relief to your child to fight this chronic disease.
Childhood asthma is diagnosed when the airways and lungs become easily inflamed when exposed to certain triggers such as catching colds, respiratory infections or inhaling pollen. It is a chronic long-term disease that can interfere with a child’s daily activities such as school, sleep and play. Unmanaged asthma in children can lead to severe attacks. In most cases, the disease is detected by the time a child turns 5. It is one of the leading causes of hospital emergency visits.
It is unfortunate that childhood asthma is mostly a non-curable disease, and can continue well into adulthood. However, with the right treatment and management strategies, the symptoms can be kept under control, thus preventing long-term damage to the lungs.
While the main issue faced during an asthma attack is difficulty in breathing, here are some of the other common symptoms:
The symptoms vary from one child to another, and everyone may not experience all the symptoms. A child may have different symptoms during different asthma episodes. The symptoms can get better or worse over time. However, the symptoms usually follow a pattern, such as getting worse at night or coming and going within the same day.
At times it can be difficult to tell whether the symptoms are caused by asthma or other respiratory issues such as bronchitis. However, if your child experiences several episodes of bronchitis, then seeing an allergist or immunologist can be a good idea.
Well, the exact causes of childhood asthma are unknown, although genetics and environment play a vital role. An asthma attack is caused by a trigger, which can start or worsen the flare-up.
Allergic asthma can be caused by allergens such as:
Non-allergic asthma can be caused by triggers such as:
Asthma can also be induced through physical exercise, especially in dry weather.
Seeing your child suffer can be the worst experience as a parent. Meeting the right doctor at the right time can make all the difference. Early treatment not only helps control the symptoms, but it can also reduce the chances or severity of future attacks.
Seek a doctor’s advice if you notice that your child:
Creating a treatment and management plan with your doctor can help in monitoring symptoms and providing relief to your child.
Take your child to the emergency if you see your child is having severe difficulty breathing, with his chest or sides pulling inward while breathing. The heartbeat might increase along with chest pain and sweating.
You may also need to visit the emergency if your child:
Do not panic if your child shows the above symptoms. Proper medical attention can reduce the severity of attacks.
Certain risk factors can increase the chances of a child suffering from this chronic disease. These include:
Asthma in children can be difficult to diagnose, especially in younger children. The symptoms of asthma are often similar to symptoms of other paediatric diseases. Moreover, some children may not have asthma symptoms often, making it more difficult to diagnose the chronic condition.
Childhood asthma is usually diagnosed through:
Younger children are usually not able to tolerate these tests. In such cases, the healthcare provider may suggest a trial of asthma medicines which involves administering a medicine to your child for several weeks to see if the symptoms improve.
If your child is diagnosed with childhood asthma, your doctor will develop a care plan for managing and treating the symptoms. It will contain the list of medications, when and how to take them, what to do during an episode and the steps to take if an attack gets worse. It will also contain the details of conditions under which you should seek emergency care. This plan is crucial to your child’s well-being, hence make sure to clarify any questions that you may have with the doctor or the medical team.
This action plan is important, hence circulate it among all taking care of your child such as family members, nanny or even at the school. This will ensure your child gets the required care not only at home but also when they are away.
Two things are vital concerning the management of asthma in children:
Identifying your child is about to get an attack can make a huge difference. In most cases, warning signs appear a few hours or even a day before the attack actually starts. Your kid may look different, may have mood swings, their breathing structure may change or they may complain of feeling different. Giving the right kind of medicines even before an actual attack can lessen the severity of a flare-up.
Another crucial aspect is the knowledge of how to react to an attack. The first thing is not to panic. Having asthma medicines readily available is essential to ensure you can help your child right when they need it. It’s also important to know when to take your child to the emergency department. The right attention at the right time can make all the difference.
As a parent, you are responsible for your child’s well-being. We know this is not an easy task, especially if your child suffers from a chronic disease such as childhood asthma. Here we share our top tips to ace the asthma management game:
Understanding the disease is half the battle won. Knowing when and how to react can make a world of difference to the quality of life you can gift to your child. We know living with a child who has chronic asthma is not easy. It is more difficult to see your child suffer day in and day out. But you are not in this alone. Seek support from friends and family members and form a support group.
It is also important to remember that as your child grows, the symptoms or their severity can change. The treatment plan needs to be modified accordingly. Educate your child about their disease as they grow so that they can help themselves. Form a team with family members and work together for the betterment of everyone.
Great things can be achieved together.
The most common symptoms of asthma in a child are:
– Continuous coughing
– Coughing can get worse during a viral infection such as the flu
– Trouble sleeping due to breathing problems or coughing
– Rapid breathing
– Feeling lethargic during play
– Stopping to catch breath during day-to-day activities
– Tightness or pain in the chest
– Shortness of breath
– Wheezing
– Tightness in chest or neck muscles
– Retractions in the chest
– Trouble eating (mostly seen in infants)
Childhood asthma can start right from the infancy stage. However, most children suffer from colds and thus cough and wheeze. Hence, childhood asthma is diagnosed only if a child has recurrent episodes of cough and cold after the age of three.
Unfortunately, asthma is a lifelong disease with no cure. However, as a child grows, the symptoms of asthma might change. With proper techniques, asthma can also be managed to live a healthier life.
Dr Shariza Lukman
Consultant Paediatrician
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