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Appointments +(603) 5515 1966
General Line +(603) 5515 1888
Services / Diagnostic Imaging

Diagnostic Imaging

An accurate diagnosis is the first step to getting the right treatment

Our facility is equipped with the latest diagnostic imaging equipment for adults and children, allowing us to quickly and accurately identify medical conditions and improve outcomes for our patients.

Complementing our state-of-the-art technologies is our team of highly-skilled radiologists, radiographers and nurses, all set to deliver a relaxed and seamless experience for you.

Take comfort in a conducive and child-friendly environment

As a unit that also caters to young patients, we’re mindful of their comfort and anxieties. Our galaxy-themed surroundings can help to promote calmness and relaxation – complete with fibre optic lights embedded in our ceiling to resemble stars!

We’ve also mastered the techniques necessary to produce excellent diagnostic images while using only lowest radiation dose possible.

Our services

We provide an extensive range of advanced imaging services, including:

  • 128 slice CT scans
  • Ultrasound scans
  • Digital radiography
  • Contrast studies – Hysterosalpingography (HSG) and micturating cystourethrogram (MCU)
  • Orthopantomography (OPG), lateral cephalogram, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)

Computed Tomographic Scanning (C.T. Scan)

CT scans are quick and painless tests that combine the capabilities of X-rays and super computers. We are equipped with a 128 – slice CT scanner, which consumes low energy yet produces high quality images of both hard and soft tissues.

It comes ready with advanced software and 3D reconstruction functions and it is versatile enough to be used to scan nearly all parts of the body.

For children, our CT scan uses low dose radiation to diagnose a wide range of conditions caused by injuries or illnesses. The results obtained allows our doctors to make more accurate decisions and quicker remedial treatments.

CT Scan services offered:

  • CT scan head/brain
  • CT scan thorax
  • Low dose CT scan thorax
  • CT scan abdomen/pelvis
  • CTA head, neck, abdomen, upper and lower extremities
  • CTA cardiac

Ultrasound scan

Ultrasound/Sonography is a machine which uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of internal organs, diagnose the shape and type of the lesion and blood flow. It doesn’t involve the use of radiation and as such, is widely used for all kinds of procedures, even during pregnancy. Ultrasounds images are viewable in real-time and can show details of the disease in terms of hardness, areas and staging. It is very useful to help our specialists to come up with treatment plans.

We offer ultrasound scans for:

  • Abdomen and pelvis
  • Breasts
  • Doppler study of blood vessel
  • Musculoskeletal area
  • Brain (for babies)
  • Pyloric study
  • Intussusception


This is among the most recognised and commonly used diagnostic imaging tests available. Our digital radiography system produces high quality diagnostic images, viewable as digital data on screen and for immediate analysis by our doctors.

X-ray service offered:

  • X-ray skull
  • X-ray chest
  • X-ray abdomen
  • X-ray upper and lower extremity
  • X-ray vertebral spine

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

This is a radiologic procedure to study the shape of the uterine cavity as well as the shape and patency of the fallopian tubes. It is very similar to a pap smear test.

The procedure involves the injection of contrast media (dye) into the uterus using a small catheter.

A series of X-ray images will then be taken once the dye has filled the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.

Orthopantomogram (OPG)

This procedure involves the use of a panoramic or wide view x-ray to display all the teeth of the upper and lower jaw on a single film. It clearly shows the number of teeth, their exact position and stages of growth position – including those that have yet to fully surface.

An OPG may be requested as part of orthodontic treatment, for assessment of wisdom teeth or for a general overview of the teeth and the bone which supports the teeth.

OPG services offered:

  • OPG panoramic
  • Lateral cephalic
  • Extraoral bitewing
  • Dentation
  • CBCT

Diagnostic Imaging Department Contact Information

Clinic Contact Details

Level 1

Operation Hours

Monday – Friday:
9:00am to 5:00pm

9:00am to 1:00pm

Sunday and Public Holidays:

Payment Options

For your convenience, we accept payments via cash or credit cards.

For other credit card instalments, kindly consult your respective banks.

If you have a Guarantee Letter (GL) from a panel insurance company, kindly proceed to our Business Office Counter.

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