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Appointments +(603) 5515 1966
General Line +(603) 5515 1888
Services / Women’s Health

Women’s Health

Cutting-edge clinical care for healthier, longer lives

Our unit is the go-to centre for an extensive range of services encompassing gynaecological care to family planning, rehabilitation to surgeries and plenty in between.

Our team of experts combine decades of knowledge, skills and experience from across a wide spectrum of disciplines. With the use of advanced technology within a welcoming and nurturing environment, our unit delivers a unique blend of physiological and emotional support.

Supporting healthcare needs through all stages of life

Women in their 20s may need help with skin conditions and emotional health, while those in their 30’s may battle weight issues or have pregnancy-related concerns. Women in their 40’s need to be aware of osteoporosis and the risk of certain cancers while seniors may face age-related conditions like incontinence, cataracts and high-blood pressure. Whatever the conditions may be, we have what it takes to keep you healthy regardless of where you are on life’s journey.

Our spectrum of women’s health services includes:

Gynae Oncology

We focus on cancers of the female reproductive tract, particularly ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, cancer of the endometrium and human papillomavirus (HPV). The type of surgeries or therapies we recommend will depend on a variety of factors including condition, stage and type of cancer.

Procedures we offer include:

  • Pre-invasive disease examination
  • Laparoscopy
  • Omentectomy
  • Para aortic lymph nodes dissection
  • Debulking surgery


Urogynaecology, which covers both urology and gynaecology, requires specialised skills that you’ll find in our team of urogynecologists, skilled nurses and support staff. Besides clinical diagnosis our team provides specialised treatments for pelvic floor and urinary tract disorders.

Treatments we offer include:

Solutions for dealing with stress incontinence:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Physiotherapy
  • Continence device (e.g. pessary)
  • Surgery

Treatment options for urge incontinence:

  • Treatment of underlying cause (e.g. with antibiotic for infection)
  • Control of chronic medical condition (e.g. good diabetic control)
  • Topical (vaginal) estrogen

In the absence of identifiable cause, we’ll consider:

  • Behavioral changes
  • Bladder retraining
  • Pelvic floor exercises
  • Anticholinergic medication to help relax bladder muscle
  • Injection of botulinum toxin into the bladder muscle
  • Nerve modulation
  • Bladder augmentation surgery

Maternal foetal medicine

This subspecialty of obstetrics focuses on high-risk pregnancy care, with services including diagnosis, treatment and follow-up services to ensure well-being of our patients and the safe delivery of their babies. We are particular about our patient’s health conditions especially chronic illnesses and history of complicated pregnancies.

The range of care we offer include:

  • Pre/post counselling
  • Foetal screening for structural/chromosomal abnormality
  • Nuchal translucency scan/first trimester screening
  • Prediction and prevention of pre-term birth
  • Detailed scan
  • Foetal doppler ultrasound scan
  • Prediction and prevention of preeclampsia
  • Management of foetal growth restriction
  • Amniocentesis
  • Amnioreduction

Obstetrics and gynaecology

Our OBYGN experts treat diseases affecting the female reproductive organs as well as provide pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum care. Besides infertility examinations, contraception management, pelvic examinations, pap smears and ultrasounds, our we also provide family planning consultations, cancer treatments, pelvic reconstructive surgeries and much more.


Subspecialties include:

  • Prenatal care medication
  • Infertility or reproductive hormones
  • Oncology in gynaecology
  • Menopause and paediatric gynaecology

Techniques carried out include:

  • Choosing between a natural birth and a surgical section
  • Vacuum or forceps birth
  • Curettage and dilatation (D&C)
  • Biopsy
  • Thoracic closure
  • Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)

Our experts may order the following tests:

  • Blood screening
  • X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, MRIs, ultrasounds and mammograms
  • Pap tests
  • Colposcopy
  • Inspection of the cervix
  • Biopsy to acquire a sample of tissue for analysis
  • Vaginal cultures to determine the source of an illness
  • Laparoscopy for diagnosis

Centre of Excellence: Women’s Health Contact Information

Clinic Contact Details

Level 12

Operation Hours

Monday – Friday:
9:00am to 5:00pm

9:00am to 1:00pm

Sunday and Public Holiday:

Payment Options

For your convenience, we accept payments via cash or credit cards.

For other credit card instalments, kindly consult your respective banks.

If you have a Guarantee Letter (GL) from a panel insurance company, kindly proceed to our Business Office Counter.