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Our Specialists / Prof. Dr. Bilkis Banu Shri Abd Aziz

Our Specialists

Profile photo of Prof. Dr. Bilkis Banu Shri Abd Aziz

Prof. Dr. Bilkis Banu Shri Abd Aziz

Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist (Visiting)

Credentials: M.D (UKM), MMED (Paeds) UKM, FAMM

Specialty: Paediatric Cardiology

Languages Spoken: English, Bahasa Malaysia

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Specialist Clinic Schedule

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Wed 10:00-12:30 No Clinic

Specialist Background

Prof. Dr. Bilkis Banu has a wealth of experience as a Paediatric Cardiologist at Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz UKM and UKM Specialist Centre. She earned her medical degree from UKM and completed his master’s degree in Paediatric at UKM in 1996.

With her impressive credentials and privileges, Prof. Dr. Bilkis Banu is experience to handle a wide range of procedures and treatment:

  • Management of acute heart failure
  • Management of chronic heart failure
  • Diagnosis and management of all congenital heart diseases
  • Diagnosis and management of all acquired heart diseases
  • Management of tachy and bradyarrhythmias
  • Interpretation of laboratory results
  • Performing and interpreting ECGs
  • Performing and interpretations of Echocardiography in Paediatric age group
  • Interpreting CXRs
  • Perfoming and interpreting Neonatal Echocardiography