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Our Specialists / Sharifah Nur Mawaddah Syed Omar

Our Specialists

Profile photo of  Sharifah Nur Mawaddah Syed Omar

Sharifah Nur Mawaddah Syed Omar

Clinical Psychologist

Credentials: Master in Human Sciences in Psychology (specializing in Clinical Psychology and Counselling) (IIUM), Bachelor of Human Sciences with Honours (Psychology) (IIUM)

Specialty: Clinical Psychology

Location: Level 11, Paediatric Clinic

Languages Spoken: English, Bahasa Malaysia

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Specialist Clinic Schedule

Day Am Pm
Mon 9:00-12:00 2:00-5:00
Tue 9:00-12:00 2:00-5:00
Wed 9:00-12:00 2:00-5:00
Thu 9:00-12:00 22:00-5:00
Fri 9:00-12:00 3:00-4:30
Sat 9:00-1:00 No Clinic

Specialist Background

Sharifah Nur Mawaddah obtained her Master in Human Sciences in Psychology (specializing in Clinical Psychology and Counselling) from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).

She is a registered clinical psychologist under Malaysian Allied Health Professions Council (MAHPC (CP)00136), under Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH). She is also a registered member of Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology (MSCP CP1-0365) since 2021.

Prior to joining Avisena, she has worked as a clinical psychologist at Kizzu Kids Rehabilitation and Enrichment Centre.

Her field of interest is in mental health advocation and stress or emotion management, as well as providing psychological assessment and psychotherapy, particularly with children, adolescent and young adults. She has grown particular interests in neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism, ADHD, specific learning disorder (e.g., Dyslexia) as well as anxiety, mood or trauma related disorders.

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